Room 1 is dedicated to samurai.
Japanese warrior could dress a surcoat (jimbaori) over his armour with a mon (family crest) on the back.
In showcase 3 sword racks (katanakake) and rare lacquer swords travel boxes (katanazutsu) are displayed. Samurai use to wear daishō, a set of two swords, katana and wakizashi, exclusive privilege of samurai. Katana was a long sword with a blade over two shaku (1 shaku = nearly 30 cm); wakizashi was shorter, 2 shaku long. Some examples of wakisazhi are displayed in the vertical showcases at the entrance, the showcase 7 displays tantō, daggers, with lacquered sheaths.
Showcase 4 displays jingasa, round wide-brimmer war hat, mainly of the ichimonji type.
During the battle bow and arrows were used: in the showcase 2 there are beautiful lacquered quivers utsubo-ebira with metal arrowhead.