Japanese Tales. Costumes and Stories from Nō Theatre at the Museum of Oriental Art in Venice

The catalogue Japanese Tales. Costumes and Stories from Nō Theatre at the Museum of Oriental Art in Venice tells, thanks to the essays of eminent scholars, the works in the exhibition held in the museum from 26 March to 03 July 2022. In the pages of the volume are showed not only the costumes, musical instruments, the paintings and prints of the museum collection, but also masks of Renzo Freschi Collection, Fabio Massimo Fioravanti’s photos and historical photos from the Archivio Storico della Biennale di Venezia referring to Nō theater plays performed in Venice in 1954.  

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Forms of Buddhist Art. Works from the Finzi Guetta Donation


A precious collection of precious pieces from the Oriental world, the result of Aldo Guetta's interest and research into that world, has been donated by Sonia and Liana Finzi to the Museum of Oriental Art in Venice. A multifaceted and fascinating personality, former director of the International Monetary Fund, Guetta undertook numerous trips to India, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Japan in the 1970s and 1980s, from which he often returned with devotional objectsand works, mainly sculptures. 

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Matter and Image. Studies and Conservation at the Museum of oriental Art in Venice 

The 5th Quaderno della Direzione regionale Musei VenetoMatter and image. Studies and Conservation at the Museum of Oriental Art in Venice has just been published. The volume collects the studies dedicated to works of the Museum of Oriental Art in Venice by Italian and Japanese specialists in the field during their recent restoration. Almost all of the conservation interventions have been supported by government funding by the Italian Ministry of Culture. 

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The first volume of the new series I Quaderni del Polo museale del Veneto has been published: Bi no michi. La Via della Bellezza. Esplorazioni nella cultura giapponese per i 150 anni delle relazioni diplomatiche tra Italia e Giappone, edited by Marta Boscolo Marchi, Museum director, and Silvia Vesco, Art Japanese professor at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice.

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