The accessibility is the priority for the Museum of Oriental Art. It is an institution for all, according to the concept of public service that is the base of the cultural and social offer.

The accessibility by wheel chair is guarantee for nine of the ten rooms by the lift.

You can reserve a free tactile tour choosing one of this specific themes:

  1. Music and instruments of Edo period Japan: tactile exploration and listening.
  2. The everyday life of women in Japan during the Edo period (1603-1868): artworks from nuptial settlements and kimono.
  3. Treasures chest: a selection of objects to understand styles, materials, techniques.
  4. For kids: Look, touch and discover. Tales to listen, objects to touch and a tactile memory game to play with. Click here for more information about this option.

You can reserve your visit writing an e-mail to:
Each tour lasts nearly one hour.
In the end you can listen to the videos in room 8:

  • The Bardi collection, from private collection to State museum (15 minutes), in English and Italian
  • Makie, the golden lacquerware. Technique and restoration (9 minutes), in English or Italian

AUDIOGUIDE FOR BLINDS You can reach the free audioguide for 5 rooms here. You can also reach it through the QRCode at the Museum. You are strongly recommended to use the headphones.
The audio version of the guide is available for the visually impaired.
For deaf visitors, videos in LIS and the text written in simplified Italian are available.
The guide is avaliable in Italian and English.
The guide is also accessible from home on this page.

LISTEN TO THE SOUND OF THE TRADITIONAL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS In room 4 you can ask for the Museum smartphone to listen to the traditional musical instruments or you can download the app museoOrientale in your own smartphone

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